The Vent-A-Room system draws air from a room within the home and exhausts it directly through a roof mounted vent. Air movement can be controlled through the adjustable ceiling register.
Vent a Room is an ideal solution for improving comfort in your living space. The combined performance of an Edmonds SupaVent, ceiling grille and ducting can help improve the air quality within your home. The system works by exhausting hot air directly from inside your home in summer and excess moisture in winter.
Combined with the durability and efficiency of the SupaVent, Vent a Room is an effective solution to stuffy, odorous home environments.
Install in larger rooms including bedrooms, bathrooms and laundries.
Features and Benefits
- Exhausts hot, trapped air in your living space in summer
- Removes moisture build up in your living space in winter
- Smooth and quiet operation
- Won't rust or corrode
- SupaVent backed by a 15 year warranty