By harnessing the power of the wind the Bathroom Ventilation system changes the air in an average bathroom approximately five times per hour to constantly remove moist air and odours.
Edmonds Bathroom ventilation system is an ideal way to remove moisture laden air and smells from bathrooms and laundries. The kit consists of a TurboVentura wind driven roof vent coupled with a controllable ceiling grille and ducting. The system works by drawing moist, stale air through the ceiling mounted grille and replacing it with fresh ambient air, creating a more comfortable and healthy home environment.
Combined with the durability and efficiency of the TurboVentura, the Edmonds bathroom ventilation system is an effective solution to improve stuffy home environments.
Install in bathrooms and laundries for best results.
Features and Benefits
- Exhausts moisture trapped in your home
- Smooth and quiet operation
- Won't rust or corrode
- Available in black only